Right in the centre of town, The Squid Game Experience is one that major fans will not want to miss out on for their Last Night of Freedom! With the second season just around the corner, now is the perfect time to test your skills and see if you can beat the games.
Team LNOF had a great time taking on the Squid Games Challenge
Straight off the bat, the whole team was in a competitive spirit when we were told no one has completed all five of the challenges in a row! We marched up the instantly recognisable multicoloured staircases by the terrifying masked villains, as the eerie music was piped through the speaker. In that second, it looked and felt like were really playing Squid Games and – for a moment at least – your skin crawled.
Red Light, Green Light
Don't let the Guard see you move
A disembodied, ominous voice echoed through the room to tell us the rules of the first game as we lined up in a room painted with the famous girl at the tree. We lined up and the games commenced. If the pink soldiers saw any movement, we were shot with Nerf guns! Not as risky as the TV show but we still had a sweat on our brow and our hearts raced.
Does eating the honeycomb count?
15 silver pots were presented to us with the honeycomb candy inside. Circles, triangles, stars and umbrellas were stamped in the centre. If you’ve seen the show, you know the drill, you might have even tried it out in lockdown yourself. Definitely the trickiest challenge, only a few of us were able to cut the shapes out with the needle while the guards watched intensely.
Tug of War
Split into teams of two, this game of strength and skill separated the tough from the weak as people were pulled to-and-fro until a team was named victorious. With cheers from everyone on the side lines, tug of war brought out the competitive side of us all.
The determination on their faces says it all
A more relaxed game compared to the adrenaline fuelled ones before, the marbles was just like the series. You make up your own game to collect all of your opponent’s marbles. One group took so long to pick a winner, the masked men threaten to shoot if they didn’t wrap it up fast. They felt the same urgency and determination as the characters on the show.
The Bridge
Will she make it or will the hypothetical glass shatter?
A game of luck and memory, only two of us made it across the bridges without a Nerf bullet heading our way. There was no pushing or backstabbing from us, unlike the show, but we were all on the edge of our squares to see who would get shot next.
Final Squid Game
Security footage made it feel just like the show
One of our team was unsuspectingly chosen by The Front Man. Blindfolded, they were taken to a different room and handed a Nerf gun. The rest of the team later joined them and were told to hop past her without detection otherwise she’ll shoot. Little did they know she could see them all and fired directly at them.
After the games, the nerf guns were handed out and chaos ensued as bullets flew and people cowered!
The sinister Masked Man ready to shoot if necessary
This activity exceeded expectations and perfect for lovers of the hit Netflix show. Even some of our team who hadn’t seen it said they enjoyed it too!
No one was able to complete them all, so the challenge is still set. Do you think you can beat the games? The Front Man awaits you.