Four men in neon braces, hats and glasses
  • Four men in neon braces, hats and glasses
  • Four men in yellow neon braces, hats and glasses
  • Two men in neon pink and yellow braces, glasses and hats
  • Two men in neon orange and green braces, glasses and hats

Neon Theme

It'll be All Bright on the Night


Neon Products

About Neon Theme

Well, we don’t want to start with a cliché and say that this stag theme ‘will really make you stand out from the crowd’. But with a fluorescent, luminous,electrifying neon theme – you’re really going to stand out from the crowd.

There are a couple of ways to pull off this neon theme. We enjoy a bit of ironic swagger:

Wear it as though your trilby gives you the distinguished demeanour of a terribly British 1950s news reporter. Thumb-pull your braces,tilt your head back and give it all the attitude of a New York gangster. Tilt your plastic spectacles down as you examine evidence in abackstreet as a – albeit, not very subtle - undercover detective in Chicago.

Or rock the ultimate geek-chic look – but only for the ladies. Look sheepish from behind your thick plastic spectacles and lasses willthink you’re dead shy and sensitive, as well as wondering how handsome you’ll be when you take them off.

Don’t go for the geek thing in front of the fellas though – they’ll trip you up in the canteen or stick a drawing of a cock on your back on the way to double maths.

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